Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-term solution for tooth loss. They are also used to secure partial or complete dentures as well as support for dental bridges. An artificial tooth is surgically anchored into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth in place. This is actually a minor procedure. Over a period of months, the titanium implant will fuse naturally to the bone. Since these implants are held by the jaw bone, they have the same dependable foundation as natural tooth roots. With permanently placed implants, you will no longer have to experience discomfort in chewing, laughing or speaking.

Dental implants resemble natural teeth and can completely restore your smile and substantially improve your oral health. Because nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant, more of your own teeth are left intact, improving long-term oral health. Implants remove the discomfort of removable dentures and will never slip within the mouth.

Our team will discuss tooth replacement options with you to help you make the most informed decision. Modern technology is utilized to minimize any discomfort associated with receiving a dental implant. This allows for a very relaxed and comfortable experience, for even the most fearful patients.

There are many factors that will be considered prior to recommending a dental implant, including: adequate bone support, healthy gum tissue, overall health, and sinus and nerve location.

Additional Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Most like Natural Teeth
  • Long Lasting
  • Help Prevent Bone Loss
  • Safe For Adjacent Teeth
  • Easy to Care For

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental cleanings really necessary?

Yes, dental cleanings are essential if you want a beautiful, healthy smile. Your smile might not have any problems now, but over time, teeth can quickly become stained and decay.

Dental cleanings will help prevent these issues before they arise, so you won’t have to worry about more invasive procedures in the future. Visit our Novi, MI office for your dental cleaning today.

Can a sinus lift and implant be done at the same time?

Depending on your oral health and severity of your procedure, a dental implant might be able to be placed at the same time as a sinus augmentation. Sinus lift surgery has proven to increase your chances for successful implants that can last for years to come.

When you visit for your initial consultation, Our team will be able to better understand your condition and determine whether or not these two procedures can be done during one appointment.

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